For the next generation.
I asked her how she recommends this to clients, because getting parents to change food habits it is the single hardest thing for me do. I can sometimes convince them to change their breakfast to include protein, but some can't even do that. Since I am a mental health expert not a nutritionist, I can't demand it be a part of treatment. (If only there were studies that show a healthful diet in combination with mental health intervention provides best results.) This presenter said if she sees a big problem and the clients don't change, she tells them, "Call me when your ready." She knows having donuts and soda before a session interferes with treatment! Most experts in mental health know it too, that's why it keeps coming up.
Its hard, there are days I wish I didn't have to get up and make breakfast, but I know if my kids get a good start on their metabolism first thing in the morning they will have better self regulation in all aspects of their lives. Are you with me parents? Let's fill the plate!
"It's the little things that make great things. Today I realized that I am free from my addiction to cold cereal. I used to love cereal and couldn't imagine being happy without it. When I started my health journey, I stopped eating it for breakfast but would still eat it as a treat. But now I have no desire for it. I am so happy, and I am happy to give my daughter a good start at life. The only time she eats cereal is if we are in a rush (or at grandma's lol), and I am happy to see that by having her eat whole food from the start has helped her crave whole food. I know I still have a ways to go but this little victory made me happy and I wanted to share."
On a side note, one of my subscribers saw me at a catered lunch and saw to it that I got a plate of chicken without sauce and strawberries for dessert. It filled me with joy and gratitude that he knew how much it means to me to keep my food boundaries. He "got my back." And I've got yours!
For more information on how to create a wise food mind for life, visit