Healing Mind, Body, and Spirit by Heather Barrett Schauers

"The real purpose of attaining better physical health and longer life is not just the mere enjoyment of a pain and disease free existence, but a higher, divine purpose for which life was given to us. All endeavors toward attaining better health would be wasted efforts unless the healthy body is used as a worthy temple in which the spirit will dwell and be developed. The purpose of our lives is not just the building of beautiful bodies, but perfecting and refining our divine spirit and becoming more God-like. I wish to emphasize that there is a divine nature and purpose to all life, and that the real reason for achieving good health and building a strong, healthy body, is to prepare a way for our spiritual growth and perfection." --Paavo Airola

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


I've accepted my diagnosis from the gastroenterologist, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and even though I don't understand what is causing it, I have at least (this week) figured out a way to keep the adverse symptoms from catching up with me. Drink lots of water, take psyllium husk (fiber) every day, make sure to have a bowel movement at least once a day even if it requires a suppository to make it happen, and continue eating the diet that is least conducive to blockage or buildup in the bowels.  The diet I am currently on is a whole food, lots of water, low fat (no pork, no milk, no cheese, no trans fat, and very little saturated fats), no sugar, no refined flours/foods or wheat diet. I also take vitamin supplements daily and essential oil antibiotics for 7 days and then essential oil probiotics for 7 days and pancreatic enzymes when needed.  This week I have managed to stay regular and have lots of movement, which I gauge by the frequency of gas and stool, and have had only a few moments of uncomfortable bloating. We will see if this continues through my cycle, as this week is usually a time in my cycle I have regularity anyway. Two doctors have told me constipation is the problem, which, considering my past, is a relatively good thing. I've had so many issues that to be told "you're just constipated" means maybe I'm seeing some lasting change. It could be worse! But it did cause a lot of problems.
I have learned that even though some of my problems seem to have no solution, many of my problems were solved by the inspiration and knowledge learned and implemented. My chronic IBS that I was apparently born with and has no obvious cause wreaked havoc on my system, in my youth I could take it, but after I had kids I was in pretty bad shape mentally and physically. Now I feel like I'm a lot better off, even if still not completely healed, and maybe I never will be due to the damage I incurred unknowingly in my youth. To be able to say I'm doing a lot better is worth the effort! Look at how things got progressively worse until I changed my diet and then problems started to fall away:

Its interesting when you look at it this way how many problems have been corrected by changing my diet. I had a rough year adjusting to the new diet and a lot of pain was involved, and it seemed like I wasn't making much progress, but today I see much progress was being made. Yes I'm still constipated, which causes bloating and diarrhea, and maybe that will never go away. However, I have learned that being careful about what I eat has eliminated chronic fatigue and dizzy spells, reduced mood disorders, regulated blood sugar, drastically reduced head aches, eliminated leaky gut and brain fog, and who knows what else I've missed! I feel my intelligence and health in large part is restored. That is worth it to me, I'm very grateful. It took me 4 years to get to this point, some miracles take time, you can do it too, don't give up.

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