Some of you don't have to stop and look, being as sugar sensitive as I am I had to look. I developed a disgust for refined sugars that will stay with me the rest of my life, and that is what helped me change behavior. I was FED UP.
As my passion for eliminating sugars grew, my desire to talk about it grew as well. I had to create this blog because people don't really want to talk about it. I laughed when Dave Ramse said last night, "If you want to be skinny find a skinny person and ask what they eat." We all know that some skinny people eat very unhealthily so that was an overgeneralization, however, I do wish people would ask me what I eat. Sometimes people hear or I let slip out that I have found the answer to my health problems and am on the mend, so at first I get a listening ear. "What did you do that helped you?" they ask. I try to ease in, I don't just say, "Stop eating sugar!" I give some back ground information and prep it with "I've found this is true for me" and couch it with "every one has a different metabolic type" and start talking quickly and passionately hoping to get as much information in as I can before I let the bomb drop. Because inevitably when I get to the part about eliminating all refined sugar/flours from the diet, and tell them that's the secret, they get this blank look on their face and the conversation is diverted or stopped completely. I think this means either the person does not want to know that is the secret and is not willing to go there, or they simply don't believe me and everything I said previously is dismissed because now I am just viewed as an extreme raving lunaitc. This response leads to some feelings of sadness and loneliness on my part, even though I have read the books people have written testifying to the same principle, and the thing that keeps me moving forward in this direction is that I tried it myself and found it helped. I just don't like for others to think I'm wrong, I guess that's hard for everyone. Dave quoted his pastor as saying, "The man with experience is not at the mercy of the man with an opinion," because a lot of people have told Dave he is wrong, but his 25 years experience is his proof his financial principles work! I have tried the principle and proven its true, my experience is my ally.
One day I was feeling alone in all this and I came across a movie trailer on facebook that looked intriguing. It was called Fed UP and seemed to be about how sugar is the source of the current diabetes obesity epidmic in our country. It filled me with so much joy to see that there were others out there that shared my "healthy disgust" and were saying something about it. The title says it all.
View the trailer at that link or watch it below. I am going to see the movie at its first release time in Salt Lake City tomorrow and I can't wait!
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