If refined sugars were "the cause" of all my health problems, then in theory others who ate an abundance of refined sugars would also have the same problems. So there is obviously more to it. Everyone has a different metabolic type and genetic composition which means we all react to what we ingest differently. My heritage predisposes me to a sensitive blood sugar regulation.
However, I firmly believe that our moving away from whole foods as a society in general has been the cause of many public health problems. Everyone by now knows about the obesity epidemic in our country, and that type 2 diabetes is a relatively new problem of the past 200 years. Leslie Korn stated that: "Return to your traditional indigenous diet. Where are your people from? What do they eat traditionally? Diabetes a relatively new disease that came with refined foods, it's not necessarily genetic. Traditional foods abide by the following principles: low glycemic [sugar] foods, rich in omega 3’s, antioxidant rich berries and nuts, prebiotics, fiberous, mucilaginous seeds, whole grains, and fermented foods (probiotics). Type 2 Diabetes has absolutely been reversed just by a return to traditional food principles."
I believe I have saved myself from contracting type 2 diabetes, and I'm allowing my body a chance to restore itself to proper functioning by returning to a traditional diet. You may not have the same negative health symptoms I had, but you are putting yourself at risk by continuing to ingest refined sugars, convenience foods, anything not considered a whole food. Whether that be risk of heart disease, obesity, autoimmune problems, infertility, lower immune system function, or brain function decline, moving away from our traditional indigenous diets will catch up to us eventually.
My mother, who does not have a history of blood sugar dysregulation in her family genetics, has nonetheless been affected negatively by the Standard American Diet (SAD). She had gestational diabetes during two of her pregnancies, she battled with anxiety and depression, and in her later years she started having extreme back pain and a pain disorder that seemed related to stress, of which the doctors could not figure out the cause. She could only self diagnose fibromyalgia, another modern disease of the past 50 years.
--Characterized by chronic muscle pain
--REM disrupted restorative sleep
--Irritable bowels
--Urinary urgency
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