Thursday April 3, 2014
OK Jesse, a couple years ago you told me you were 99%
sure you were hypoglycemic, but the question that really bothered you
is, what is causing the hypoglycemia? You've also wondered why our body's are sleep dependent, like we are trying to desperately restore our systems that have been somehow damaged by our desperation to fuel ourselves. I think, for me, I've found or am
really close to an answer, and it's so simple its kind of laughable:
stop eating sugar and refined carbohydrates.
As you know I went to my primary physician multiple
times and to a cardiologist and all my efforts were dead ends. From
their exams I looked in perfect health. I read "The pH Miracle" and
"Hypoglycemia: a better approach" (which I recommended to you) and both
books agreed on one point, smaller meals and almost complete abstinence
from sugar would improve health of those with negative health symptoms
such as mine. I tried to listen to my body and experimented on different
diet restrictions, and only started to improve when I was eliminating
most sugar and eating lots of vegetables and moderate amounts of protein. 2013 my strength was improved so much that I
thought I'd done it, I'm on the mend.
This year 2014 I started lifting weights, confident that now I could do
things that normal people do to strengthen their bodies. In January and
Feb I started deteriorating again, had bad depression, anxiety, fatigue, and those darn
dizzy spells; I had thrown off my body's balance somehow by the extra
exercise and it made me upset. You introduced me to "The Bitter Truth"
lecture and I started wondering again about sugar intake, but I had been
eating hardly any sugar I thought, so maybe it was a fatty acid
metabolic disorder. It was so discouraging to again feel something was wrong and not know what it was! I resolved to see an endocrinologist again and
prayed sincerely and frequently about who to see. The only person I was
able to reach in my efforts was that Dr. Brinton, who kindly talked with me 20
minutes on the phone, and his counsel was he thought I did not have a
Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorder, but I should continue moderating my diet and don't buy expensive
food supplements and don't seek doctors who will take your money and try
to find something wrong. I took this as an answer to prayer, although I
didn't like the answer, because it was another dead end. How could I
possibly regulate it any more than I am? I decided to turn to the Lord,
and instead of calling more doctors as my neighbors suggested, I prayed
and read the scriptures, which all seemed to suggest to me that if I had faith I could be healed. The New Testament and the Doctrine and Covenants specifically kept shooting that message at me. When I read D&C 42:43 "And whosoever among you are sick, and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy" I had had enough. It was as if the Lord was challenging me to have the faith enough to heal. I felt like He was saying, "if you don't have faith to be healed that's OK, I still love you, just keep eating your mild diet because I know you at least believe, but you'll never be all the way better that way." I knew what I had to do, I had to take my dad and husband off guard so they couldn't premeditate what to say and ask them for a healing blessing. I wanted to show the Lord I had perfect faith to
be healed since I had done "everything" in my power that I could think
of to help myself.
On March 28, Trevan's baptism day, I drummed up my courage and asked for the blessing. Dad was surprised, and Jared was indifferent, but they kindly consented. Dad blessed me to continue learning and finding knowledge on how to heal. I was disappointed, I don't know what I was expecting but despite my best efforts at showing faith I wasn't miraculously healed, I was just as tired and dizzy
and anxious that day as ever. And I felt really dumb for thinking I
wouldn't be. The very next day a lady in our ward called me out of the
blue and said she admired me not giving treats in choir, and she has
been very aware of how much damage we are all doing to our bodies with
sugar intake, and she asked me if could she bring me a book and send me some quotes. I agreed, and she
brought me
Sugar Blues by William Dufty, which I threw on my dresser
and didn't look at for 3 days. I thought, "Oh good, another anti sugar
extremest I will have to read through all his overgeneralizing garbage
to weed out the truth, I don't know if I'll even read it." I felt
exhausted at the thought of opening that book.
Monday I was feeling very down, each night I'd been tormented by thoughts of how foolish I was to think I could be healed. I sent dad a email thanking
him for the blessing, and that I think the Lord isn't healing me
because there is something I can do to heal myself still but I don't
know what that is. Dad said "I feel that He can heal you from the
Knowledge that he will send you. I believe He will soon." Immediately
I thought of the book Kari gave me, hmmm maybe that was the knowledge,
the timing was too impeccable to ignore. So I spent the whole morning
Sugar Blues. I skimmed a lot of the historical sections, but
what I read the Spirit whispered to me "It is true." Dufty's message was that sugar is the cause
of many modern day maladies, including mental health problems, and if there is something out of what in your health its mostly liked caused by the standard American diet. Sugar and refined processed foods weren't just exacerbating my already existing mystery illness, they were
causing my health problems and "hypoglycemic complex." Eliminate them and theoretically I would be in the state of perfect health my doctor keeps claiming I should be in. "Could it be that simple?" I thought. I opened my fridge;
jam, salsa, sauces, condiments, dressings, bread, rice, pasta, then the
pantry, popcorn, chips, granola, ramen, cereal, it's still here. Yes I
eat more wholesome foods and vegetables, yes I stay away from dessert
and candy and soda, but it's not enough, I'm still intaking on a daily
basis high fructose in my teryaki stir fry, maladextrose in my
mayonnaise, fructose in dressings, etc etc, not to mention how often
I've cheated on white bread since I stopped making my own wheat bread. I
slapped my head, sugar is my enemy. It's depleting me and causing an
imbalance my mind and body, and Sugar Blues helped me understand why;
for me I had found my answer. That day I realized I wasn't in balance and
wasn't better because I was STILL EATING SUGAR!
April 1 I stopped it. I went through two days of withdrawal
symptoms, mainly feeling cravings and tremors and hunger after I'd just
eaten, but since I already had eliminated hard sugar I had a lot of cognitive coping tools in place to deal with the symptoms. I
threw away our brown and white sugar, and once the cereal, white bread,
etc is consumed (by Jared and kids) and the sauces done, that's it, I
refuse to buy another product that contains any form of processed sugar.
I will not create imbalance in my children or myself, they will
probably hate me for it, but if they will go with me on it I will have
saved them from what I believe is Satan's biggest trap and lie of our age: "refined
sugar is useful energy and there is no harm in consuming it."
Since you have been my support and ally on this journey I
wanted to let you know where I was headed. We have been raised on white
bread and ovaltine, ramen and cereal, cake and ice cream, so it's going
to be hard to see those for the poisons they are and let our bodies
become whole again through intaking only whole foods. I won't blame you
if you can't go there right now, I remember how tough it was when I was
trying the alkaline diet, I got a lot of resistance from well meaning
people. The stinger was "Has a doctor told you you have to eat only
alkaline foods?" No. And I love the pointers, "The church tells us to
store flour and sugar, and it's not in the word of wisdom to abstain from
sugar." That's true. I don't know why the Lord hasn't warned the
saints about the dangers of sugar, from where I'm standing right now it
would be better to eat grass and meat in an emergency than deplete your
system with sugar and flour, so a lot of
people will view me as extreme, just like I viewed the alkaline
authors. I don't know all the answers, but I know he gave me an
answer. At the very lest, please read Sugar Blues and tell me what you
think about it. I will attach some quotes from it as well so you can
kind of see what its about.
from “Sugar Blues” by William Dufty
In a poorly functioning organism, the swings in
blood glucose level are much more extreme. If the insulin supplied by the
pancreas is excessive, too much glucose will be converted to glycogen. The
blood glucose level will fall and remain low. This condition is called
Degrees of sugar abuse and sugar blues vary [by
individual]. However, the body does not
lie. If you take sugar, you feel the consequences [from allergies to adrenal
dysfunction, acne to fatigue, mental illness to metabolism.]
A condition in which the blood sugar level is
relatively low tends to starve the body’s cells, especially the brain cells.
What happens to us when our cells are chronically undernourished? The weakest,
most vulnerable cells (the brain) suffer first.
Refined sugar is lethal when ingested by humans
because it drains and leeches the body of precious vitamins and minerals
through the demand its digestion, detoxification, and elimination make upon
one’s entire system.
Sugar taken every day produces a continuously over
acid condition, and more and more minerals are required from deep in the body
to rectify the imbalance.
Definition of poison; any substance applied to the
body, ingested, or developed within the body which causes or may cause disease.
Sugar is classified as a poison because it has depleted the body of its life
forced, vitamins, and minerals.
Mental illness is a myth, emotional disturbances can
be merely the first symptom of the obvious inability of the human system to
handle the stress of sugar dependency.
To make a man whole again, he has only to eat whole
In 200 cases under treatment for lack of adequate
adrenal cortical hormone production Dr. Tintera discovered the chief complains
of these patients were similar to those found in persons whose systems were
unable to handle sugar: Fatigue, nervousness, depression, apprehension, craving
for sweets, inability to concentrate, low blood pressure. He laid out a cure for return to normal
function: a sweeping permanent injunction against sugar in all forms and
As a steady diet, sugar is WORSE than nothing. Plain
water can keep you alive for quite some time. Sugar and water can kill you.
It is quite possible to improve your disposition,
increase your efficiency, and change your personality for the better. The what
to do it is to avoid can and beet sugar in all forms an guises.
The words holy, whole, healthy all stem from the
same rood. A whole food is holy intended to protect the health of man. Sugar is
not a whole food.
After years of glucose/sucrose overload, the end
result is damaged adrenals. When stress comes our way we no longer have a
healthy endocrine system to cope with it. Efficiency lags, we’re always tied,
never seem to get anything done.
from “Hypoglycemia: A better approach”
by Paavo Airola
The primary dietary indiscretion that contributes to
the development of hypoglycemia is a diet too high in refined starches and
refined white sugar. This is completely
incredible nutritional folly; nothing less than an act of unintentional
national suicide. White flour and white sugar are referred to by concerned
scientist as the “white poisons” and the “white plague” of the civilized world.
Experts…have indicated excessive consumption of
refined carbohydrates not only as the major cause of our physical degeneration,
but also as a major contributing factor in the increased rate of crime and drug
addiction and in the epidemic of deterioration of our mental and moral health.
White sugar and flour are not whole, natural foods.
They are refined, fragmented, adulterated, and denatured. All minerals,
vitamins, all terrace elements, enzymes, fatty acids, and amino acids have been
removed in the process of refining the sugar, the final result is a pure
crystallized form of sucrose, a white pharmaceutically pure chemical.
Eating white sugar and white flour presents three
1. Eating
such denatured foods will inevitably lead to nutritional deficiencies.
2. Since
our bodies are genetically and physiologically equipped to effectively
metabolize only natural whole foods, eating fragmented refined foods from which
essential energystic and complex elements have been removed will lead to
metabolic disorders and biochemical imbalances.
3. Since
our bodies are not equipped to process refined concentrated foods, continuous
ingestion of them will exert a great strain on many organs and glands. The
continuous strain and abuse of these organs can damage them and cause their
paralysis. And malfunction.
White sugar is not only and empty calorie food,
stripped from all the vitamins and minerals, but in order to digest and process
(metabolize) it, the body must use its own supplies of minerals an vitamins,
which may lead to both deficiencies and imbalances in the body’s own stores of
vital nutrients.
from “The pH Miracle” by Robert and Shelley Young
Sugar is an acid waste product created in the body
as a result of metabolism. And it causes healthy body cells to biologically
transform into bacteria and yeast. Sugars feed biological transformation like
gasoline feeds a fire. The more sugar the body gets, the more harmful
microforms evolve internally and the faster they will reproduce. And the faster
they reproduce, the more they are decomposing and fermenting your body from the
Contrary to popular belief, the body does not need
sugar. It needs energy or electrons, and energy comes from [whole foods]. You
will find some sugar in vegetables, but our organs are much more able to handle
these gentle vegetable sugars, and can eliminate them efficiently.
Be sure not to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners,
which are just as bad or worse. The bad guys include asparatame, saccharine,
neotame, sucralose, acesulfame, and cyclamates (nutrasweet, sweetnlow, splenda,
sunnet, sweet&safe, sweet one). They all break down into deadly acids in the body.
A wide variety of symptoms can be cause by
artificial sweeteners, including headaches, migraines, dizziness, vertigo,
seizures, depression, fatigue, irritability, increased heart rate, heart palpitations,
insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, weight gain,
numbness, muscle spasms, joint pain, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred
speech, and loss of taste. Artificial sweeteners can also trigger or worsen
arthritis, chronic fatigue, diabetes, fibromyalgia, brain tumors, MS, Parkinson’s
, Alzheimer’s, systemic lupus, etch. Don’t let them into your body to do their
Ideally you’ll skip all forms of sugar.
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and high blood sugar
(diabetes), which are really just low energy and high acidity, are rampant
today and devastate a lot of lives. They both stem from –surprise!—dietary and
metabolic acids and microform overgrowth. Sugar’s mycotoxins and exotoxins
penetrate, overwork, and poison the pancreas, liver and adrenal glands (among
A single dose of sugar will affect the cells of the
body for up to two weeks.
Leslie Korn,
“Our fast oxidizers burn glucose
too rapidly, and they require the protein and fats to slow it down. The slow
oxidizers don’t burn it rapidly enough, and do better on a higher carbohydrate
vegetarian diet. Then there are the mixed types. Nature
provides a wonderful blend to balance out the whole being. Reduce toxic foods, inflammatory food, dead
food, additives, and preservatives (especially with children) because they are neuro-toxic. We
make most of our neurotransmitters in our
gut not our brain. Increasing clean healthy food in the gut improves
GABA receptors in brain, and GABA increases our sense of well being,
which improves sleep and relaxation.
“Sugar is not a good food, it should be absolutely
eliminated from the diet.”
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